
Friday 13 December 2013

KBR Short Story: Operation Candy Cane

by Rebecca Sheraton

Mint crisis! The world ran out of mint—and just before Christmas. All mint products sold out—minties, mint chocolate biscuits, chewing gum, toothpaste, after dinner mints and NO CANDY CANES!

“Santa, where are all the candy canes?” asked Smartie the Elf. “The workshop was full of them and they’ve vanished!”

Headlines spread worldwide panic, No candy canes this Christmas! The world yearned for their hardened, minty, swirled sweets.

“Think of the children!" cried the elves. "It’s just not Christmas to give cards without candy canes!”

“There’s no need to panic just yet,” said Santa, but secretly, he was worried.

Everyone tried to make candy cane substitutes. People twisted pipe cleaners, swirled snake lollies and plaited liquorice. Nothing tasted the same. Santa knew the situation was dire when people stole barber shop poles but children just chipped their teeth.

“Yuck, it’s plastic,” complained the children.

Then, just two weeks before Christmas, a toothpaste company released minty Chrissy toothpaste. It sold out. Desperate consumers froze the toothpaste into candy cane shapes to eat.

A suspicious reporter asked, “How have you made minty toothpaste without mint?”

“It’s a secret ingredient,” replied the company spokesperson.

The next morning, Smartie the Elf noticed something funny when he brushed his teeth. His new toothpaste had minty flakes. It had the usual striped look, but tasted sweeter.

He reported his findings to Santa. “Let’s investigate,” he said. So Santa, Smartie and the elf crew flew off in Santa’s sleigh to the toothpaste company’s headquarters.

“Rudolph, blink your nose to warn us if we’re in trouble,” said Smartie.

When they reached the factory, elves rappelled down the side of the building and some made it through the ventilation system.

The exterior team radioed through—“Smartie, there are minty chips on the dock. Find out what’s been delivered.” The interior team high-tailed it to the production room when they found a gigantic candy cane stockpile. Their minty Chrissy toothpaste fears were justified!

The crew had to act fast. Rudolph blinked his warning nose light to notify the crew the security guards were nearby.

“Let’s save the day! All reindeer to the dock!” called Smartie. 

“How will we get the candy canes back to Santa’s workshop?” asked a crew member.

“Let’s use Santa’s sack,” said Smartie. The whole crew shoved the candy canes inside Santa’s bottomless sack.

Footsteps approached. As they opened the roller doors, Smartie shouted, “Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer, and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen! Light the way, Rudolph!”

The guards were stunned as the crew took off into the sky and flew direct to the North Pole where they were greeted with cheers from everyone at Santa’s workshop.

“Congratulations Candy Cane Crew!” cheered Santa. “Smartie, thanks for making Christmas minty again!”

On Christmas Eve, Santa left a candy cane and card under everyone’s tree. It said: “Merry Mintmas!”

Rebecca Sheraton is a children’s writer and a primary school teacher. She lives in Brisbane and loves coming home to write and let her imagination overtake. Playing with her nephews lets her be a kid again, and they inspire many funny stories. Find out more on her website.

KBR Short Stories are a way to get your work ‘out there’—and to delight our KBR readers. Stories are set to a monthly theme and entries are due in the 25th of each month. Find out more here.