
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Event: Libby Hathorn: Find Your Inner Poet

SCWBI Event Monday March 17
6 - 8pm

An evening with brilliant poet and author,

Libby Hathorn 

Libby Hathorn is an award-winning poet and author of more than 50 books for children and young people, as well as books for adults. Translated into several languages and adapted for the stage and screen, her work has won honours in Australia, the US, Great Britain and Holland.

Libby loves poetry. Reading it, being inspired by it, reciting it, teaching it, writing it and dreaming about it. Many of her novels and picture books are inspired by poetry entirely. She is currently working on a World War 1 novel entitled Eventual Poppy Day (Harper Collins 2015) and her latest picture books are A Baby for Loving and Outside! (Hardie Grant Egmont/Little Hare 2014),


Come spend some time with poetry devotee Libby and scribe some lines for entertainment or reflection, for bragging or for just plain satisfaction. Libby will take you through her foolproof steps to successful poetry writing.

WARNING! Not just poetry will come out of this workshop- there may well be a novel or short story lurking, just waiting to be released by poetry power.

LOCATION: Hughenden Hotel, 14 Queen St, Woollahra
TIME AND DATE:  6 - 8pm Monday 17 March 2014
COST:  $25 SCBWI members coffee/tea, light refreshments

PAYMENT: Call the Hughenden Hotel on (02) 9363 4863 or email to pay by Visa or Mastercard,
or by direct deposit to the SCBWI acc BSB: 082 187 Acc No: 79540 2096
For those who can’t be there, we’ll put a full report on the SCWBI website and Facebook page.