Saturday, 15 February 2014
Librarian's Shelf: Find Ten Minutes A Day
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying: “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” I believe what Einstein was really getting at, is that reading something that engages the imagination, expands the mind. It might be a fairy tale but it might also be a brand new picture book or a silly poem.
Reading to your child for ten minutes a day can make all the difference in their life. It’s not so much about what you read, but that you read at all. Whatever you read, it will help broaden your child’s vocabulary and create a bond between you.
There are lots of ways to make reading to children a routine part of life, and to help kids as they learn to read and progress along their reading journey. Three Australian authors who clearly know something about books, and what children like to read, have shared some of what they’ve learnt by writing books for parents, too.
Mem Fox, Jackie French and Paul Jennings can help you discover ways to make reading for ten minutes a day a rewarding experience. You should be able to find each of these books at your local public library:
· Reading Magic by Mem Fox
· Rocket Your Child Into Reading by Jackie French
· The Reading Bug and How You Can Help Your Child To Catch It by Paul Jennings
Read more on Reading to Children with the new Australian Children's Laureate, Jackie French.
Sarah Steed is our Consultant Librarian and reviewer. A former Children's and Young Adult Librarian, she has more than 18 years' experience working in public libraries. Sarah comes from a family of readers and has shelves full to bursting with books.