
Saturday 15 March 2014

Interview: Jackie Hosking, Author, Poet, Editor

KBR is fortunate to know and work with a proliferation of wonderful industry players--many of whom have become good friends. In coming posts, we'll be featuring these people and introducing you to the wonderful things they're doing for the children's book industry. This month, we welcome the fabulous Jackie Hosking, author, poet and editor of industry e-zine Pass It On, who tells us 10 Things about herself.

1. I was born in Nigeria, Africa, to Cornish parents who moved to Australia from Cornwall when I was 10 years old. I became an Australian citizen in my twenties.

2. I wrote my first rhyming poem when I was 17. It was called Consequence and it has never been published. I wrote lots of awful, angsty poetry right up until my third child turned two - when I wrote my very first poem for children. The School Magazine published this poem in 2005. It is called If I Were a Giant. Soon this poem will be appearing in a text book that is being published by Oxford University Press in New Delhi.

3. My favourite poetry books growing up were those written by A A Milne - When We Were Very Young and Now We are Six. I find it very difficult not to cry when I read these poems, they are so perfect.

4. Rhyme and meter are two of my most very favourite things. I love to write this way and I love helping others with this form of writing too.

5. Doubt is a funny beast and something I am full of. This used to worry me until I read this quote by Robert Hughes - 'The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.'

6. I wear many hats. I write for children. I edit rhyming stories and poetry written for children by adults. I publish a weekly children's book industry e-zine called Pass It On. I occasionally work in my local supermarket. I do all my husband's bookwork for his carpentry business as well as my own. I'm a mother to three children and I sometimes, but not very often, clean my house. I also love to walk. Last year I walked over 3000kms.

7. On 1st July 2014, my very first picture book, The Croc and the Platypus Wwalker Books), is being released. If the proofs are anything to go by, it will be the most beautiful book in the world (not that I'm biased at all). It is illustrated by Marjorie Crosby-Fairall.

8. I am so looking forward to the SCBWI conference in July where I'll get to mix with my peers and really celebrate all that is wonderful about the children's book industry. One of the highlights will be participating in a panel along with the Walker team and Marjorie, as we discuss how The Croc and the Platypus came to life. I hope to see some of you there.

9. I live on the Surf Coast in Victoria. It is a beautiful place to live and the inspiration for many of my poems. One day, I hope to publish a collection of my poetry. Let's hope it's one day soon.

10. Being Cornish I thought I'd finish off with a poem I wrote about making Cornish Pasties - here it is...

For Cornish pasties
All you need
Are steak and onions
Spuds and swede

Shortcrust pastry
Rolled by hand
Salt and pepper
Make it grand

Forget the carrots
And the peas
And never mince
Your skirt-steak please

The vegetables
Will need some slicing
Watch it though
There’ll be no dicing

Potato first
Chip it fast
Onions, swede
And meat goes last

Layered twice
And piled up high
So much better
Than a pie

Fold it over
Crimp the side
Not too long
And not too wide

In the oven
For an hour
Time to clean up
All the flour

Cornish pasties
Taste just great
And bigger than
A dinner plate