
Sunday, 2 March 2014

Review: Shh! We Have a Plan

Chris Haughton is fast proving himself a mover and a shaker on the picture book scene. Like Emily Gravett and Oliver Jeffers, one can readily spot a Haughton book with ease. The iconic colours, the quirky characters, the clever titles, are always intriguing.

And no less intriguing is his latest - Shh! We Have a Plan.

What's the plan!? What's the plan!? I shouted to myself in my own head when I saw this cover. Well, let me tell you - without giving too much away, of course.

Some wee young'uns are skulking about in the dark with nets when they see a lovely bird, perched on a branch in the forest, minding it's own ornithological business.

'Hello, birdy,' says the little one, but he's soon hushed by the others, because, you see, they have a plan. Tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe, ready one, ready two, ready three, and ...

Hmmm. No joy. Birds are fast, but the young'uns are relentless. Beyond relentless. Relentless to the power of 10. Let's just say this is some patient bird. With lots of friends.

Big friends.

This is a drily-written, succinct, fun, suspenseful, silly, adorable, kooky tale, with fabulous typesetting and illustrations picture-book-aficcionados will love. Very much a Chris Haughton original and predicted to snaffle a National Simultaneous Reading Time slot.

Title: Shh! We Have a Plan
Author/Illustrator: Chris Haughton
Publisher: Walker Books, $24.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 March 2014
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781406342321
For ages: 3 - 8
Type: Picture Book