Over the past six years, the series has expanded to include the Vampiresons, Supersons and Werewolfsons and now, in 2014, the Piratesons. The original four families have also each featured in Time Machine and Holiday stories.
Fantastic for reluctant readers, the series now includes 16 books including a Bumper Super-Freaky Activity Book
Visually appealing, these chapter books are filled with humorous situations and quirky characters. The Freak Street website features information about the series, including character profiles. There are free wallpaper downloads and a Fully Freaky Fan Wall where readers can add their comments.
Humorous, fun and engaging, Freak Street is a great way to introduce young readers to slightly more challenging chapter books.
. The novels feature full colour illustrations throughout and coloured pages, with text broken up into chapters that also include comic-style panels with speech bubbles and occasional comments on the action from two flies.

Title: Freak Street series
Author/Illustrator: Knife & Packer
Publisher: Scholastic Australia, $10.99 RRP (each book)
Publication Date: 2008 - 2014
Format: Paperback
For ages: 7+
Type: Junior Fiction