
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Review: Fake ID ebook

You can create a fake ID online without too much trouble these days. You can try on a different gender, age, even country of origin. Never mind that it’s illegal, it’s possible, right?

But when Zoe’s Gran dies and leaves behind a package, which reveals she had other names in her past, the mystery, the dangers and complications of having different ids hits. Zoe digs for answers with the help of a techno-whizz friend but the more she discovers, the more confusing it all seems.

Gran and Pa had a daughter, Zoe’s mum, yet there’s a newspaper article stating that Pa had a son. Zoe knows he sought asylum during the Melbourne Olympics, but does that mean he left a family behind? How many unknown relatives are hiding in the past and where did Gran fit into it all?

Fake ID explores contemporary issues as well as historical and social ones. This short, easy read, previously available in hard copy is now only available as an e-book. It’s a quick, intriguing ride.

Title: Fake ID
Author: Hazel Edwards
Publisher: Authors Unlimited, $5.00 RRP
Publication Date: 2013
Format: ebook
ISBN: 9780987157577
For ages: 12+
Type: Young Adult