
Saturday 29 August 2015

10 Quirky Questions with author Gary Crew

1. What's your hidden talent?
I secretly love drawing.

2. Who is your favourite literary villain and why?
Uriah Heep from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens because he’s soooo sleezy.

3. You're hosting a literary dinner party, which five authors would you invite? (alive or dead)
Enid Blyton; Patrick White; Emily Bronte; Shakespeare and me!

4. Which literary invention do you wish was real?
HG Well’s Time Machine.

5. What are five words that describe your writing process?
I love making marks with pencils. (That’s 6, sorry)

6. Which are the five words you would like to be remembered by as a writer?
Gary made me think.

7. Picture your favourite writing space. What are five objects you would find there?
An old desk, paper, a 2B pencil, a comfy chair, a cup of coffee.

8. Grab the nearest book, open it to page 22 and look for the second word in the first sentence. Now, write a line that starts with that word. (Please include the name of the book!)
‘As’ I wrote this sentence I thought, ‘Why?’ (HG Wells’ The Time Machine)
9. If you could ask one author one question, what would the question be and who would you ask?
Patrick White. “Were you ever happy?’

10. Which would you rather do: 'Never write another story or never read another book'?
Never write another story. No doubt about that.

Dr Gary Crew is an award-winning Australian author and Associate Professor, Creative Writing, and Program Leader of Creative Writing at the University of the Sunshine Coast. His books include The Viewer and Memorial (both illustrated by Shaun Tan), The Cuckoo, In the Beech Forest and The Truth About Emma. His latest picture book, The Visions of Ichabod X, is illustrated by Paul O'Sullivan and published by Harbour Publishing House.