
Friday, 26 August 2016

Review: At the Beach

This tiny little creation sure does pack a punch design-wise. Using just a handful of fluorescent colours and loads of cleverness, the retro illustrations are as much a drawcard for adults as they are for toddlers.

A textured cover encases a small format book (perfect for tiny hands) with a series of beach objects and happenings. Shells. Swimming. A sandcastle. A seagull. Snorkeling. Sunglasses. A sail boat (what is it with the beach and everything starting with S!?).

There's also freckles and flip-flops and towels and ice creams, of course. And all of it adds up to a smile-worthy trip to the beach.

Accompanying text makes it an ideal Very First Reader, where kids can associate word structure with image.

Just gorgeous.

Other books in this series include Shapes are Fun!, Let's Go Outside and How Many Legs?

Title: At the Beach
Author/Illustrator: Katja Spitzer
Publisher: Flying Eye Books, $12.99
Publication Date: 1 July 2016
Format: Hard cover, small format
ISBN: 9781909263932
For ages: 1 - 4
Type: Picture Book