
Thursday 19 January 2017

Meet the Illustrator: Katrin Dreiling

Describe your illustration style in ten words or less.
I have been told my work is quirky, whimsical, inky, sometimes dark and very European. I am very happy to go with that. 

What items are an essential part of your creative space?
My iphone (for photo reference and audio tapes), my computer (Photoshop) and of course my pens, paints and papers. I also love having my dog around “guarding” the door to my tiny studio and coming in for cuddles. Last but not least my desk that my husband made for me to fit into such small space.

Do you have a favourite artistic medium? 
Ink – either in pens or liquid ink used with brushes or nibs. Ink will always appear in my art in some form.

Name three artists whose work inspires you.
Most definitely Russell Ayto, Chuck Groenink and Charlotte Gastaut.

Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
Probably Baroque to Rococo. I just like how exaggerated everything looks and always found this period’s clothing very inspirational.

Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?
I used to work as a language teacher but I think I had the illustrator always “inside of me”, thinking up stories and visualising them for my students. When I had my own children I realised this is what I really am and what I want to work as. I also wanted to teach my children to follow their dreams.

Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often? Talk us through it.
Ok, so this is my chaotic work space in the middle of a project. I always know where everything is, though.  I love the light and the breeze that is coming through (very important in QLD  summers…) I store all my paints and pens in the shelf on the left and there is another shelf with different kind of material, also printed paper for collages, in the back. I often have to go look for my materials, though, because my three children love to work creatively, too…..

What is your favourite part of the illustration process?
I love when it all comes together. This can be the final Photoshop stage when I enhance digitally or add things. It could also be the colouring stage or even already the sketching stage when I come up with an idea that sets the atmosphere. I also love to show the finished illustration to my or the neighbour children and see their reactions. They are my most firm critics.

What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?
Stay true to yourself and do your own thing. This is where you will discover your illustration voice.

Being an award-winning, self-published author/illustrator, Katrin is an active member of Brisbane Illustrators Group, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and other groups. She illustrated several university lectures that attracted more than 200,000 views on Youtube. Her artist social media presences are keenly followed by her fans. You can see more about Katrin -