'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Friday, 13 January 2017

Review: Dinosaur Dance!

When I saw that Sandra Boynton had a brand new board book coming out, I may have done a little dance. When I saw that it was about dinosaurs (dinosaurs that danced in fact!), my dancing may have increase in enthusiasm and could have been mistaken for wild flailing.

What I'm trying to say is that I was pretty excited. And Dinosaur Dance! does not disappoint.

In her distinctively bright, bold and slightly eccentric illustrative style, Sandra Boynton has presented us with essentially the perfect board book.

It has so many elements to explore and talk about with your toddlers, without being at all overwhelming, and gives plenty of reasons to want to return to read it again and again. And lets face it, this is important, as you will read it to them approximately twenty hundred bazillion times in the span of a fortnight.

Dinosaur Dance! introduces the names of seven different types of dinosaurs, each of which is doing a different type of dance. With lots of lovely noise words, "Zang! Bop! Kiddly Pow!" and a great rhyming story, readers can try out some new dance moves (can you shimmy, shimmy shake?), learn colours, discover dinosaur names and join in with everyone at the end as they Cha! Cha! Cha!

I particularly love titles by Sandra Boynton as they are usually very short (sometimes Mummy is just too tired!), they are bright and engaging, and they are always humorous. My collection of Boynton boards books have been a bedtime staple for both my children during their toddler years, which means I have been reading them over and over again for the past 5 years - and I am still not even close to being sick of them!

Title: Dinosaur Dance!
Author/Illustrator: Sandra Boynton
Publisher: Simon and Schuster, $9.99
Publication Date: 1 November 2016
Format: Board Book
ISBN: 9781481480994
For ages: 0-4
Type: Picture Book