
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Greetings - it's ME!

There's a lot happening today; a universe of small, significant things that are perpetually adding up to greatness all over the planet.

The same can be said for my own unique world. Today I embark on a new adventure, one that I am stars and moons excited about.

Those that have sailed the oceans in this incredible vessel of children's book recommendations and encounters before me have done so with an impassioned conviction and vision that continues to astound. I am forever grateful for their dedication, enthusiasm and hard work.

Now, as I prepare to slip on the Managing Editor's tricorne, bequeathed to me by former managing editor, Susan Whelan and KBR founder, Tania McCartney, I cannot wait to set sail with my new crew members. Get to know them better, here. Drift on by often to read their reviews on what's hot, what's new and what's wonderful in the world of children's literature. I guarantee you will enjoy the journey.

The horizon is sparkling with new adventures, new books to discover and new stories to tell. And I for one am delighted to be standing at the helm as we cast off into it.