Delicate images created to capture the heart of small things.
What items are an essential part of your creative space?
I need fresh air, lots of light, art supplies (loads of lead pencils, paper, Schminck watercolours and good quality brushes), books (lots of books; story books, reference books, picture books), music, and being by myself.
Do you have a favourite artistic medium?
Name three artists whose work inspires you.
Beatrix Potter,
Nick Bantock, and Paul Klee – I could literally fill a page. Only listing three
was very difficult because I have so many artists and illustrators whom I
artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
There is no particular art period I would like to visit. I truly appreciate how privileged we are to live in the present day and have access to the world history of art. I am so thankful to be surrounded by amazing female Australian illustrators who model what I love and long to do.
There is no particular art period I would like to visit. I truly appreciate how privileged we are to live in the present day and have access to the world history of art. I am so thankful to be surrounded by amazing female Australian illustrators who model what I love and long to do.
I have
always loved painting and drawing. One of my earliest childhood memories is
creating a finger painting and swirling my chubby fingers through the paint. I credit
my parents for providing a home full of books Come Play With Me, Peter Rabbit,
Pookie, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Muddle Headed Wombat, vast collections of
Hans Christian Anderson and The Brothers Grimm, my grandmothers, my Grade Two
Teacher, Mem Fox / Julie Vivas, and a certain invisible possum.
missed a lot of school, both primary and high school due to ill health. In year
two I distinctly remember returning to school from hospital and my class
teacher reading Possum Magic. As a follow up activity the class was asked to
recreate one of Julie Vivas’ beautiful watercolour illustrations. The beauty of
the pictures and the paint transported me to another world. And in that moment a
light shone on the thing I knew I wanted to do. But it is ultimately my husband
who said I needed to do this and provided me with the stability and
encouragement to take a dusty dream off the shelf.
Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often? Talk us through it.
I love
the back wall of my studio. It has a ‘washing line’ that I hang inspiring
pictures and cards from friends. I also have shelves full of books and
reference material.
This is my painting desk and you
can see my tepee. It’s not really for napping. It’s more a space for pondering
and consolidating ideas with my eyes closed. The chair in my ‘sunny spot’ is
very precious to me. My Mum upholstered it and it is sooo comfy.
What is your favourite part of
the illustration process?
I adore the initial spark of an idea. Then refining those first sketches and finally adding colour – it’s all so wonderful.
I adore the initial spark of an idea. Then refining those first sketches and finally adding colour – it’s all so wonderful.
What advice would you give to
an aspiring illustrator?
Keep faith in your dream – I wish I realised this sooner. Don’t rely on others for validation (I was told for years through high school and University that my style was too ‘naïve, innocent, and cute’ and that illustrating was not a worthwhile pursuit). Know the reason behind what you are trying to achieve and to loosely quote Ralph Emerson, 'Be yourself in a world that constantly wants you be something else because that is the greatest accomplishment.'
Keep faith in your dream – I wish I realised this sooner. Don’t rely on others for validation (I was told for years through high school and University that my style was too ‘naïve, innocent, and cute’ and that illustrating was not a worthwhile pursuit). Know the reason behind what you are trying to achieve and to loosely quote Ralph Emerson, 'Be yourself in a world that constantly wants you be something else because that is the greatest accomplishment.'