
Thursday 28 September 2017

Guest Post: Robert Vescio on Choosing between Right and Wrong

Finn, a young boy, is lonely. Puss, a cat, is lost. Then Finn and Puss meet. Suddenly Finn isn’t lonely anymore, and Puss seems quite happy to be with Finn too. So when Finn sees a ‘Lost’ poster, put up by Puss’s owners, he’s faced with a tough decision. Will he do the right thing?

Finn and Puss is a tender tale that explores ethics and integrity through the friendship of a lonely boy and a lost cat.

Author, Robert Vescio, shares his inspiration for this moving tale and his thoughts behind its meaningful morals.

This simple story, told in few words, gently explores how sometimes we need to make hard choices but that ‘doing the right thing’ has its own rewards.
When a decision involves choosing between right and wrong, it’s not always easy to know what to do. Whenever you aren’t sure what’s the right thing to do, stop and think and ask yourself:
What does that little voice inside my head say about it?
Could it hurt anyone?
Is it fair?
How do I feel about it?
What would someone else do?
How would I feel if it happened to me?

Finn and Puss is a story that matters. Children need to know that finders are not keepers. Things, including pets, belong to someone.

Doing the right thing shows that you are honest, responsible and truthful. It all boils down to ethics and integrity. And just like Finn, sometimes you get a reward or make a friend for doing the right thing. But other times, it’s just the satisfaction of knowing in your heart that you did the right thing.

What was the inspiration for the story?

A similar situation faced by my children sparked the inspiration for this story. I was very proud of their decision. So I quickly put pen to paper and wrote this story to help other children who are faced with the choice between right and wrong.

What was the most rewarding part of this project?

Melissa’s stunning illustrations complement the story beautifully. They are positively breathtaking, highlighting the setting and mood of the story perfectly. The high quality of her images make Finn and Puss a great book for both young and old to enjoy. If you are the type of person who chooses a book by its cover, Finn and Puss should certainly be a popular choice.

What was the most challenging part of this project?

Waiting to finally see Melissa’s illustrations in colour and to be able to share and show the world our beautiful book.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming review on this gorgeous picture book.

Robert is a full time children's author whose love for 'spinning a good yarn' has resulted in seven picture books and several short stories. Discover all of his stories at:

Those living in NSW can meet Robert in person when he launches, Finn and Puss next Tuesday 3 October.