
Friday 29 September 2017

Review: Stubborn Stanley

Stubborn Stanley is the second book written and illustrated by Nathaniel Eckstrom. Nathaniel has a illustration style that you will recognise from nine other books, including the book Road Trip by Danny Parker.

Stanley is an inventor. He does not need help from any of his friends to make his creations. Soon his friends give up on stubborn Stanley.

Stanley continues to invent alone but months later he realises that something is missing, fun. 'Stanley needed a new plan. But for the first time ever, Stanley wasn't sure what to do next.' 

Then Stanley spots a girl sitting alone on some type of contraption, it looked a bit like a see-saw. Stanley climbs over the fence and talks to Martha. Stanley listens to Martha's ideas and they begin to create together. Soon their friends notice and begin to help Stanley and Martha build their inventions.

At the end of the story Stanley realises the barriers that his stubbornness created but he also recognises that some alone time is still important.

I fell in love with Nathaniel's story, especially the illustrations depicting unique and futuristic inventions. Stubborn Stanley is an exquisite story that shows how collaborating with others can create better ideas and fabulous friendships.

The beautiful endpapers are filled with blueprints showing Stanley's journey from stubborn to collaborative. The book's front endpapers show what 'Stanley plans to do by myself!' and at the back endpapers are blueprints of 'Stanley and Martha's plans...things to make together.' The endpapers are a fabulous addition to the story.

Hopefully Stanley and Martha will inspire readers to be imaginative and encourage them to collaborate with their friends to create their own inventions.

Title: Stubborn Stanley
Author/Illustrator: Nathaniel Eckstrom
Publisher: Scholastic Australia, $ 16.99
Publication Date: 1 August 2017
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781760155025
For ages: 3 - 6
Type: Picture Book