Penelope Pratley is one such person who's life centres around creating, absorbing and sharing divine stories for children.
You may recall, we invited Penelope to share her illustrative secrets with us earlier this year. If not, here is her Meet the Illustrator interview.
Kids' Book Review is jumping-cow happy to have Penelope join our spirited little team and can't wait to share her reviews with you. Meantime, take a moment to get to know her better.
An artist, illustrator, writer and educator, Penelope loves to dance, nap, and teach art. She was a fairy, reads
copious books, and plays the harp. She has been commissioned to create
several portraits, mostly of children and their favourite things. Illustrations
that commemorate weddings, birthdays, or the arrival of a new baby, and memorial
pieces for families grieving the loss of a loved one.
Penelope truly believes
that art should serve others, develop the imagination and bless others. She
recently finished illustrating her debut picture book to be published in 2018 by
EK Books.
Penelope currently spends her days creating
all kinds of lovely images for clients, successfully ignoring the housework,
eating chocolate freckles and enabling others to interpret their world through
creativity in Art.
She lives on the North Coast of New
South Wales with a surfer, an inventor, a ballerina, three greedy chickens, a
fat rabbit, an ancient guinea pig and a blossom tree (that has only blossomed
three times). On special occasions she still wears her fairy wings.
Kids' Book Review is thrilled to share the cover of Penelope's debut picture book, The Art Garden, due for release February 2018 with EK Books.
Kids' Book Review is thrilled to share the cover of Penelope's debut picture book, The Art Garden, due for release February 2018 with EK Books.
You can visit Penelope at any one of these sites: