
Thursday 29 March 2018

Review: This Mortal Coil - Connie's YA Book of the Month

Eyeing my tower of unread books, This Mortal Coil, with its dramatic book jacket and catchy synopsis/blurb, compelled me to read it. From the first chapter, I was reeled in to this dystopian/sci-fi tale. 

Catarina, 17 is trying to stay alive in a cabin in the woods after a deadly virus has forced much of the population to retreat to underground bunkers. She’s a genius coder, a  powerful skill to have, in a world where everyone is reliant on genetic technology delivered via a gene plate in their forearm.

Her father, Lachlan Agatta, the world’s most brilliant geneticist, has been taken against his will by Cartaxus, the dubious organisation who control the world’s genetic technology. Then Cole shows up with news her father is dead.

Cole is a gene-hacked Cartaxus soldier sent by her father with instructions for a vaccine to eradicate the virus. He must also protect Catarina with his life. What follows is a race to decrypt the code and release the vaccine to the world. Along the way, everything Cat thought she knew is challenged and tested and she must find the strength to face all obstacles and keep going.

Suvada hooks the reader in with a clever, fast-paced, action-packed story, whip-smart plot and beautifully portrayed characters with depth. The relationships between the characters make this dystopian novel stand out from others. That and Catarina’s determination and resilience which propels her forward placing her in life-threatening situations she doesn’t back down from. Her simmering chemistry with Cole, is handled with equal parts precision and restraint. Their secrets and revelations embedded deep in their genetic make-up, when exposed, will make your heart ache.

There’s so many plot twists and surprises, I guarantee you will not be able to put this book down. Australian-born (US-based) Suvada’s background in science and genetic engineering, combined with a great story premise, delivers a thrilling ride.
The writing is beautiful. This is intelligent YA at its best. I loved everything about this book and inhaled it in 24 hours.

A perfect read for fans of Hunger Games, the Illuminae series and Divergent.

The sequel is out in October 2018!

Title: This Mortal Coil
Author: Emily Suvada
Publisher: Penguin, $17.99
Publication Date: 30 October 2017
Format: Paperback
For ages:13+
Type: Young Adult Fiction