
Saturday, 28 April 2018

Look What I'm Reading! Sue Whiting

Sue Whiting is an Australian author and editor. She has written numerous books in a variety of genres: fiction and nonfiction, picture books through to YA. Her latest book is Missing, a contemporary mystery for readers 10+, and her next book is Beware the Deep, Dark Forest, a picture book illustrated by Annie White, which is due for release in October.

Which children’s book are you currently reading?
I have just finished reading The Secrets We Share by Nova Weetman.

Can you tell us in two sentences what the book is about?
This is the sequel to The Secrets We Keep and continues the story of twelve-year-old Clem who is now trying to navigate that awkward and confusing time of starting high school and working out where one fits. This is made doubly difficult when Clem’s mother returns home after many months away from the family while recovering from her mental illness.

How much did you enjoy/are enjoying this title?
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Clem is an authentic and likeable pre-teen and as a reader you can’t help but empathise as she makes mistakes and tries to figure out her place in her new world. Nova Weetman does an excellent job of getting inside Clem’s twelve-year-old mind and exploring that awkward and confusing time.

What made you choose this title? Was it a review, advertising, the cover, the blurb, the author/illustrator, or the subject/genre?
 I enjoy middle-grade realistic fiction and felt the first title was one of the highlights of the genre in 2016, so was keen to read the sequel. I then had the privilege of sharing a panel for CBCA Vic with the author, Nova Weetman, so took the opportunity to get a signed copy!

What other titles are on your bedside table /To Read Pile?
Very unusually, my bedside table is remarkably clear. This will soon change though as I have a long to-read list, starting with the CBCA 2018 notable books and shortlist. Top of the pile for me is: In the Dark Spaces, Cally Black, Take Three Girls, Fiona Wood, Cath Crowley and Simmone Howell, The Grand Genius Summer Of Henry Hoobler Lisa Shanahan and The Elephant, Peter Carnavas. All of these have intrigued me during the year and I am keen to read them.

How did you come by these titles: personal choice/request, publisher’s review copy, or other?
I have been made aware of these titles through a variety of means, but generally through social media, networking and my interest in children’s literature. The CBCA notables and shortlist is a useful way to help refine my choices. However, there are many other wonderful books published each year that don’t make it on these lists, and I keep a lookout for these too.

Do you have a favourite genre? If so, what is it, and why do you prefer it?
I read quite eclectically. However, I do like page-turning, heartfelt contemporary realism – probably because I enjoy books that evoke strong emotions. I also enjoy warm and funny books with quirky characters.

Do you read from printed books or some other medium? Please expand a little on the why of your choice.
You can’t go past the printed book. The design, typography, paper, and the page-turn all contribute to the experience. There is nothing better.

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