
Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Review: Around the World in 50 Ways

Here’s a new fun way for kids to learn about different cities around the world. It’s a kids’ travel book with a twist – YOU choose where to go by deciding how to travel.

In each destination you can choose to travel by plane, train, tuk tuk, bike, or something completely different! It’s like a choose your own adventure travel fact book!

We start in London, learn a few facts about this wonderful city, visit the Tower of London, then it’s time to choose… Should I take the train, the coach or the boat? Pick the right route to make it all the way around the world, or watch out, you could end up at a dead end.

I chose to go by boat, learnt a few tips about going on a cruise, and ended up in Trondheim! After a cycle around the city, I took a flight and ended up in…

Moscow! I visited the Red Square and the Kremlin and St Basil’s Cathedral then took the train… I went on the trans-Siberian Railway through the Siberian wilderness and eventually found my way to Mongolia, visiting the capital and learning about Genghis Khan.

After another flight, I was delighted to find myself in Queensland where I thoroughly enjoyed the Great Barrier Reef but unfortunately missed my boat back and found myself marooned on an island. Dead end…

So back to London I went to start again and try a different route.

The information on each location is short and simple so kids just learn a few key facts about the city they are visiting before moving on to the next. The travel modes also provide subtle information, demonstrating common travel options in that city and imparting an understanding of distances to travel between cities.

This is great concept. A unique idea in engaging children in learning about different places in the world and to get a sense of geography and distance.

Title: Around the World in 50 Ways
Publisher: Lonely Planet Kids, $24.99
Publication Date: 1 February 2018
Format: Soft Cover
ISBN: 9781786577559
For ages: 8 - 12
Type: Non-Fiction