
Thursday, 15 November 2018

Review: Giraffe Problems

What kind of problems might a giraffe have to deal with?

In Jory John's Giraffe Problems, we hear from a giraffe who has lots of problems, or so he feels.

Giraffe thinks his neck is all wrong and it makes him self conscious. He thinks everyone looks at his neck, and he tries to camouflage it, hide it.

Lane Smith's illustrations show the poor giraffe trying everything he can to manage his neck, including covering it with many different ties.

One day, giraffe meets an animal friend whose neck he admires. The odd thing is, the new friend -- a turtle -- wishes he had a neck like giraffe.

The giraffe and turtle compare necks and in the course of their conversation turtle asks giraffe for help.

Giraffe and turtle discover they complement each other, and settle into a friendship which enables them to each appreciate themselves as they are.

Giraffe Problems reminds us that we are all different, but that those differences have their own benefits, and we should look for the opportunities they offer, and how we can help others using our own talents. 

Title: Giraffe Problems
Author: Jory John
Illustrator: Lane Smith
Publisher: Walker Books, $24.99
Publication Date: October 2018
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781406383164
For ages: 3+ 
Type: Picture book