
Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Review: Grug and His First Christmas

Grug is a creature with a huge heart. As he walks past his friend Cara’s place, he notices some decorations on a branch.

It is Cara’s Christmas tree. He doesn’t know what Christmas is or why it’s celebrated. Cara explains it to him and how at this time, everyone gives presents.

Grug loves the idea. He makes his own tree and covers it with his own coloured ornaments. 

He bakes a cake and cuts it into pieces.  With his cake and hand-made wrapping paper, he creates little gift parcels for his friends and neighbours. He places them where they can be found.

Was that bells he heard at night? In the morning, under his tree, Grug finds lots of presents; even one from Santa. He wishes a Happy Christmas for everyone, as happy as his very first!

Beautifully presented in Christmas style, the hard cover depicting Grug, promises durability. The large bold font stands alone upon a white background. The words and the full page illustrations created in soft colour are folded between bright red end pages.

This delightful Christmas book brought back so many memories. Coloured paper cut and glued with a mixture of flour and water, and joined to make lengthy chains that decorated the house. Hand-made cards with bold writing and artwork. Lollies in a glass wrapped in transparent paper. Cardboard stars painted with brushes dipped in watery paint. Our best writing for the words we used to express our feelings.

Ted Prior’s reflection on the Christmas spirit recalls the lost art of hand-crafted presents made with love and purpose. We are reminded that Christmas is a time of giving; a symbol of caring and sharing. And of sharing what you can, with those that have no one at all at Christmas time.

Title: Grug and His First Christmas
Author/Illustrator: Ted Prior
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, $9.99
Publication Date: October 2018
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781925791235
For ages: 3 - 6
Type: Picture Book