
Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Review: Hush say the Stars

This is a lovely, gentle story for reading aloud with kids that will help them relax and prepare for rest.

As night falls, the stars slowly start appearing in the sky. They help all the animals on the farm to settle down and get ready for sleep.

The language is calming with a gentle rhythm that will lull children into that gorgeous pre-sleep state where they get all cuddly and dozy.

Hush say the stars, as they slowly appear.

Time for sleep, time for sleep,

The night is near.

On the farm, the cows gather together, the hens settle into the roost, the birds tuck their heads down and even the butterflies rest. The stars tell them that it is time to be still and quiet.

The horse nods his head and snoozes, the piglets snuggle up to their mother and the lambs lie down. The kitten purrs and the dog rests his head.

It is time for little ones everywhere to go to bed. A hug and kiss and it’s time to cuddle up and go to sleep, with the watchful stars shining throughout the night

The illustrations are soft and sweet with endearing farm animals that kids will love. The colour palette centres around the calming blue tones of the evening sky, with subtle blends of pinks and purples. All the animals are either closing their eyes to rest in very relaxed sleep-poses, or looking up at the twinkling stars in the night sky.

This is a lovely bedtime reading story to help children feel settled and safe and prepare for sleep.

Title: Hush say the Stars
Author: Margaret Spurling
Illustrator: Mandy Foot
Publisher: Little Book Press, $16.99
Publication Date: November 2018
Format: Soft Cover
ISBN:  9780648115663
For ages: 2+
Type: Picture Book