
Tuesday 5 February 2019

12 Curly Questions with author/illustrator Renée Treml

1. Tell us something hardly anyone knows about you.
In high school, I loved drama and wanted to be an actor … until I auditioned for a musical in front of hundreds of people. It turns out I can’t carry a tune. I was given a minor role and asked to lip sync so I wouldn’t throw off the other actors.

2. What is your nickname?
Née (pronounced Nay) or Née Née

3. What is your greatest fear?
Being smiled at by a hungry crocodile.

4. Describe your writing style in 10 words.
Gentle and smart with a sense of humour and personality.

5. Tell us five positive words that describe you as a writer.
Caring, hard-working, curious, dedicated and kind.

6. What book character would you be, and why?
Hermione Granger. She’s smart, sassy and saves her friends over and over again. Plus, she gets to do magic.

7. If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
I’d travel to Europe in the Middle Ages to see knights and castles, but I’d only want a brief visit as I would greatly miss things like sanitation and hygiene.

8. What would your 10-year-old self say to you now?
I thought you would be a veterinarian.

9. Who is your greatest influence?
My son — I learn so much watching what interests and intrigues him, what he understands and doesn’t, and it is all reflected in my writing.

10. What/who made you start writing?
I started writing for children because my illustrations needed stories.

11. What is your favourite word and why?
Onomatopoeia — because of the way it sounds and what it means. Such a fun word and so hard to spell!

12. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is the hardest question, but today I would choose The Magicians by Lev Grossman. (If you ask me again tomorrow, I’ll have a different answer.)

Renée Treml is the author and illustrator of several picture books for children including Sleep tight, Platypup, Once I Heard a Little Wombat, Ten Little Owls and Wombat Big, Puggle Small. Renee’s stories and illustrations are inspired by her love of nature and her background in environmental science. For more information, see