
Tuesday, 15 October 2019

12 Curly Questions with author Liz Ledden

1. Tell us something hardly anyone knows about you.
I eloped to Paris and had both my kids in Bangkok. Running away overseas is one of my favourite things to do!

2. What is your nickname?
It’s pretty much just Liz (no one ever calls me Elizabeth), but some old friends still know me as Squiz.

3. What is your greatest fear?
Sneezing while driving – that moment when your eyes involuntarily close is terrifying!

4. Describe your writing style in 10 words.
Caffeine-fuelled with late-night bursts of friendship, fun and feelings.

5. Tell us five positive words that describe you as a writer.
Curious, sensitive, playful, instinctual, heart-driven.

6. What book character would you be, and why?
I’d be Go Go from Go Go and the Silver Shoes. Adventurous, creative and quirky with the coolest ever bedroom. Plus the best shoes (or shoe, as it turns out!).

7. If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
I’d go back to around 1986-1987 so I could visit my relatives who are no longer around. And to my little brain for story ideas while there, as it was my most creative, book-immersed time!

8. What would your 10-year-old self say to you now?
I knew you’d be an author; this was always the plan. But why did it take so long?

9. Who is your greatest influence?
I’d say my kids. They’re a constant source of surprise and inspiration.

10. What/who made you start writing? 
I’ve written forever, but I immersed myself in the world of writing for kids while studying for a Master of Arts in Writing and Literature. I was exploring all different forms of writing, but kept enjoying the children’s literature subjects the most and enrolled in more.

11. What is your favourite word and why?
Scruffy – it makes me think of a disheveled but adorable kid or creature.

12. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
An anthology kind of thing (that doesn’t actually exist) of my favourite picture books, smooshed into one. Is that cheating?! It would contain Florette, Herman and Rosie, Maya and Cat and more!

Liz Ledden is a Sydney-based children’s book author and co-host of kids’ book podcast One More Page. Her debut picture book Tulip and Brutus is about a ladybug and a stinkbug who never play together. She has another picture book due out in 2020. For more information, see