
Saturday 26 October 2019

Review: Super Side Kicks: No Adults Allowed

Behind every great superhero is an indispensable sidekick. Their sole job is to clean up and make their boss look good without getting any credit.

When JJ (Junior Justice) refuses to put up with it anymore he decides to create his own team of superhero sidekicks. 

Heading up the team is JJ along with Dinomite and Flygirl, but there is another sidekick, Goo who wants to join.

Catch is, Goo is the sidekick of the evil Dr Enok – can the team trust him?

Sharing their expertise, they discover each other’s skills include Kung-Fu karate, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and perhaps the deadliest of them all, Mongolian tickle fighting. 

Then there are the bug balls that unleash scary bugs, smoke bombs, stun grenades and Ada the most advanced computer in the world. Not to forget Goo who can change shape and size all with a friendly smile.

However, the adult superheros Captain Perfect, Rampagin’ Rita and Blast Radius turn up in an effort to bring the sidekicks home and stop all of this nonsense. The late arrival of the evil Dr Enok changes everything when he also turns up to retrieve Goo.

An outright battle of good and evil is launched with no one quite sure whose side is right. In the midst of all this their friend Goo is kidnapped. Now more determined than ever the sidekicks inform the adults they will never come back. On their own, it’s up to the sidekicks to rescue Goo without falling into Dr Enok’s devious trap.

Will JJ and his friends succeed and truly become superheros in their own right and be accepted by the adult superheros?

This adventure in laughter and friendship along with the comedic black and white illustrations make this graphic novel a must read. Looking forward to the next instalment . . .

Title: Super Side Kicks: No Adults Allowed
Author/Illustrator: Gavin Aung Than
Publisher: Penguin Random House, $9.99
Publication Date: 2 April 2019
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780143795865
For ages: 6 – 9
Type: Junior Fiction