
Sunday, 1 December 2019

Guest Post: Lydia Di Giulio on The Benefits of Reading Books

Are there really any negative aspects of being a bookworm? I think we all know the answer to that, I think not!  Have you ever heard of anyone telling children that they should limit their reading time, I think not!

Have you ever heard of anyone saying that reading can cause digital eye strain?  I have not, but I have heard these things said about children who spend too much of their time using technology.

In buying a book, there are no ongoing or hidden charges like there are in toys requiring batteries, gaming devices/consoles needing to be recharged, and extra costs associated with buying add-ons or in-app purchases for apps or games. 

Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not totally opposed to technology, after all, my own children love it! But what I am suggesting is that children should be encouraged to spend more time reading books rather than on using electronic devices and not to be oblivious to, or forget about, the enormous benefits associated with reading books.

Let’s turn our attention back to a typical story book - what you see is what you get – a beautiful book that can be treasured and passed on from generation to generation.

The benefits of reading a good book are many. Reading actually takes children on an exciting journey in their imagination and sparks creativity simultaneously. Reading books improves literacy skills, enhances and extends children’s vocabulary, and improves grammar usage.

Reading books engages the reader, so much so, that it draws their attention away from the current world in which we live and transports the reader to another place, encouraging readers to experience and explore the problems, joys and sorrows of the characters in the stories that they are reading about. Reading story books can help children forget about their own current problems that they may be experiencing in their own lives. 

By identifying with the characters in books, children are being given an insight into how these characters learn to deal with problems and the strategies used to help overcome the difficult situations in which the characters themselves are often faced with.

By reading books, we are actually acquiring knowledge and gaining a greater understanding of the world around us. This acquisition of knowledge is the greatest gift that we can ever bestow on our children. 

Admittedly, sometimes it’s difficult to find the time to sit down and read books to our children; after all, we all lead such busy lives. But as parents, by making a conscious effort to set aside some time every day, no matter how small, your children will be thanking you for it later. Not only will they be acquiring knowledge, improving their grammar, vocabulary and literacy skills, but you will be responsible for fostering a love of reading and of books in your children which will greatly benefit them in the future, and for many years to come.

Lydia Di Giulio is a children's author at The Flying Desk. She's published five books for children and is currently working on her sixth. You can connect with Lydia via her Twitter account @lydiadigiulio