
Monday, 2 December 2019

Review: Cake

Cake is an amusing story of a sponge cake’s first time at a party... with an alarming surprise.

He has never been to a party before, so when Cake is invited to one he doesn’t know what to wear.  He asks for advice and tries on different costumes but is still unsure, so he goes shopping and buys an irresistible new hat.

Cake has a fabulous time dancing and playing games at the party, but when the other guests begin to sing, he experiences a moment of startling realisation. What’s in store for Cake next? With a flash of darkness and a clever twist, an amusing end prevails.

The bright and bold digital drawings work perfectly with the story and add funny details to each page. I adore the extra characters, especially a cute crocodile in a pink tutu and a rabbit dressed as a robot, they ooze happiness and set scenes wonderfully.

Cake is another hilarious story with charm, wit and a dark twist from the fabulous duo of Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Some of their other books include No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom, Barry Fish Fingers,  Supertato, Run, Veggies, Run, and Supertato Veggies Assemble.

Title: Cake
Author:  Sue Hendra
Illustrator: Paul Linnet
Publisher: Pan Macmillan, $14.99
Publication Date: 2018
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781509827435
For ages: 3+
Type: Picture Book