
Monday, 13 January 2020

Review: Beverly, Right Here

It is 1979. Beverly Tapinski leaves her home and a mother who cares only for herself. At fourteen, she is determined to venture off into the unknown and see what is out there.  She is grief-stricken after burying her dog Buddy under the orange trees in their yard; the dog she shared with her best friends Raymie and Louisianna.

She stops in a town and immediately finds a job in a smelly fish take-away shop. The elderly Lola, who lives in a mobile home that is no longer mobile, offers her a place to live until she wants to leave. These are two people in need – old and young – that come together and benefit by each others’ presence and existence.

For the first time in her life, Beverly is cared for.

With thoughtfulness and love, Lola shows Beverly what she has been looking for all her life.

Beverly makes friends with the strangest people and finds her perception of life changing as she evolves as a person. Everything that was ugly in her life becomes beautiful as she is shown how to see herself through others’ eyes.

All Kate Di Camillo’s books carry strong messages and are totally trimmed of fat. She is an observer of life, its surroundings and realities. Every sentence provokes thought.
Using tools of brevity, style and precision and perfect minimalistic prose, she leaves the reader changed.

This book is woven of many themes. Age and how it marginalises is a main thread, along with what defines family. Emotions and friendships and how constant change takes place in people’s lives, is beautifully portrayed by images created with words and the supreme way Di Camillo uses them.

Another scintillating offering to fans old and new, and not to be missed!

Title: Beverly, Right Here  
Author: Kate Di Camillo  
Publisher: Walker Books , $ 19.99  
Publication Date: September 2019  
Format: Hardcover  
ISBN: 9781406391633  
For ages: 9+  
Type: Junior Fiction