In order to give young people the freedom to be themselves we as parents, educators, and role models need to unlearn our unconscious biases. We all have biases that restrict our thinking and that we unconsciously project them onto others. The best way to start is by being aware of your language and the expectations you have of your children and stay curious. I think asking ‘why’ is the key. For example, if you find the idea of your son doing ballet a bit jarring, ask yourself why that is? It always comes back to the stories we’ve learned our whole lives around what it means to be a girl, boy, woman, man. Once you start questioning and unlearning those stories you won’t look back and it will become a natural process. It’s also really beneficial to have those same curious conversations with your children. This will give them the critical thinking skills to see through gender stereotypes and form an identity that feels right for them.
Children need emotional intelligence skills in order to feel free to be themselves. The most common theme I’ve observed across all the workshops I’ve facilitated in schools is that boys ignore or suppress their feelings whereas girls talk about them.
If there’s one thing boys are scared of being called it’s a girl. Why? Because our society has ascribed softer qualities like vulnerability and sensitivity to girls and women and we don’t value those qualities, we see them as a weakness. This is a real problem because not only are softer qualities just a part of being human and applicable for all genders, they are actually what brings us together as a community. In order for boys to be able to respect the softness within themselves and others, we need to show them the strength that exists within it. For example when we lean into vulnerability, when we are our authentic selves, we give others permission to do so as well. By simply being yourself you can improve the life of another and I think that is really powerful.
Jessica Sanders is a best-selling, award-winning author and social worker who creates resources to help young people reach their full potential. She is the author of three books, Love Your Body which was wildly successful internationally, Me Time: a self-care guide to being your own best friend, and her latest book, the Be Your Own Man.