A spectacular book full of beauty and surprise; of rhyme and rhythm in perfect prose, is the result of an exacting collaboration between Kaliah Tsakalidis and Ross Morgan, whose divine full-page illustrations are like framed paintings in a gallery.Morgan completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts at the University of South Australia in 2000.
His fine art exhibited here assures that we will see more of his talent in children’s book illustrations.
Molly has a house, a normal house like yours or mine. It contains all the usual children’s stuff. But it has a surprising difference in each and every room. We wander through the house and wonder what we will discover next.
This delightful and visually stunning picture book projects how expansive and creative children’s imagination can be. It reflects their ability to build worlds and ideas in minds uncluttered by the thoughts that preoccupy adults.
Kaliah Tsakalidis’ debut children’s book in rhyming verse and repetition, builds the momentum of the story and completes it with a bang.
Raising Literacy Australia in 2020, celebrates their 15 year birthday. During this time, picture book libraries have been established in vulnerable communities, and RLA has created new picture books for the free Reading Pack Program, gifting over 1.8 million books to South Australian families.
The two books created by the emerging artists, one of which is, Molly Moores… will be part of the RLA’s 2021 and 2022 Preschool Reading Packs given in a gifting program to 23,000 South Australian preschool children.
Title: Molly Moores Has a House Like Yours
Author: Kaliah Tsakalidis
Illustrator: Ross Morgan
Publisher: Little Book Press, $16.99
Publication Date: 1 August 2020
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780648591566
For ages: 4 – 8
Type: Picture Book