This is a brilliant collection of unique Australian birds that float and fly, peck and pick, strut and soar. Others suck on nectar. The Laughing Kookaburra calls out to its friends.
I loved this book right away as I am always excited when reading something from which I can learn. As will readers.
This bevy of beauties compete with one another as on stage.
A tall emu father, Dromaius novaehollandiae, and his babies stand on the opposite page to Palm cockatoos, Probosciger aterrimus, who communicate while sitting on the shell of a tall tree.
Shorebirds and penguins on parade will delight children as they learn the names of our colourful, noisy, quiet, active and sluggish birds. Waiting to be discovered are those that flock together, others that prefer to be alone like the Wedge-tailed eagle, and those who prefer life in pairs; all visible birds. Others like the Spotted Pardalote, Padalotus punctatus, prefer their nest out of sight.
This is a reference book of sorts, but not. It’s a delight to go through slowly, observing, like a walk in the park, discovering things that you’d not noticed before or knew about.
Facts and Feathers steal four pages at the end, to exhibit the birds in miniature images, with additional information on each.
And that’s not all! The wrapping for all these divine goods are the gorgeous end pages covered in as many varieties of eggs, as the book has birds.
Sara Allen is inspired by the natural world and hopes to inspire others with her work.
An ideal gift for giving, overseas visitors, libraries and home bookshelves. Or simply for yourself as a special present.
Title: Busy Beaks
Author/Illustrator: Sarah Allen
Publisher: Affirm Press, $
Publication Date: 29 September 2020
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9787925972948
For ages: 5+
Type: Non Fiction