
Friday 26 February 2021

Look What I'm Reading!: Lize Meddings

Hiya! I’m Lize Meddings. I’m an illustrator and Comic Artist, and I’ve just finished my first ever graphic novel about a Sad Ghost! I created The Sad Ghost Club project in 2015 and since then I’ve been making comics and products based on that same Sad Ghost.

Which children’s book are you currently reading?
I recently started re-reading one of my absolute favourites, The Hobbit. I’ve also had the pleasure of reading Be Your Own Man and I stormed through Lemony Snicket’s, The Bad Beginning a few weeks ago. I will definitely be trying to re-read the entire series!

Can you tell us in two sentences what the book is about?
Hmm, it’s about a hobbit named Bilbo, who has an adventure thrust upon him much to his dismay, he goes along with it and meets Dwarfs, Trolls, Elves and more. He’s dragged on this journey to reclaim the Dwarfs’ lost kingdom. 

Be Your Own Man is a wonderfully illustrated book about encouraging young boys to broaden their ideas about what it means to be a boy! It aims to support them to feel free and proud to be who they truly are. It’s a wonderful book.

How much did you enjoy/are enjoying this title?
I really, really, love this book. I’ve read The Hobbit multiple times as a child and an adult, and it always holds up. Be Your Own Man is a really enjoyable book, especially the illustrations! The artwork created such a beautiful world. As soon as you open the book it’s like being transported to a calm and serene world full of possibility!

What made you choose this title? Was it a review, advertising, the cover, the blurb, the author/illustrator, or the subject/genre?

I’ve always been a fan of the fantasy genre. When I was younger, my Dad actually recommended it. It was probably when The Lord of The Rings film came out!

I was gifted Be Your Own Man by my friend Robbie Cathro who actually illustrated the whole thing! It was lovely seeing his hard work in printed form.

What other titles are on your bedside table /To Read Pile?
I’m very excited to get stuck into 2001 A Space Odyssey! Oh, and all 12 other books in Lemony Snicket’s, Series of Unfortunate Events, quite the undertaking!

How did you come by these titles: personal choice/request, publisher’s review copy, or other?

Most of my to-read list are recommendations from friends. It’s lovely knowing what books your friends have a soft spot for, and then getting to read them. I love reading books my friends have been involved in, so if they lend me copies, I read them as fast as I physically can to absorb all their hard work!

Do you have a favourite genre? If so, what is it, and why do you prefer it?
I would say Sci-Fi, closely followed by Fantasy. I prefer sci-fi because reading how authors interpreted the future is really interesting to me! I love books from the 70s and seeing what they thought our Today would look like.

Do you read from printed books or some other medium? Please expand a little on the why of your choice.
I tend to just read printed books, mostly because they’re lent to me. Or I find them at charity shops. It’s nice having a physical collection to get through, although it can be a little daunting, hah!

You can find The Sad Ghost Club here -