Lorraine writes in regional Victoria and her first love is poetry, history, fantasy, inspirational historical romance, and all things children’s literature.
She has a passion for motivating children and adults into writing, especially through poetry using simple, enjoyable techniques she has devised herself.
Which children’s book are you currently reading?
Bindi by Kirli Saunders.
Can you tell us in two sentences what the book is about?
I can really only go by the blurb at the back of the book as I’ve only just begun, but I love what I’m reading.
How much did you enjoy/are enjoying this title?
I love savouring the way Kirli has cut away unnecessary words to provide readers with the joy of poetic writing as well as a narrative that provides us with setting, character information and the moving of plot.
What made you choose this title? Was it a review, advertising, the cover, the blurb, the author/illustrator, or the subject/genre?
A well-read friend said to me, ‘you will love this book, you must read it.’ I love friends sharing the information about their must-read titles. And of course because the book is written in verse novel style, it’s my kind of read.
What other titles are on your bedside table /To Read Pile?
Zoe, Max and the Bicycle Bus by Steven Herrick, Raven Flight by Juliet Marillier, Catch a Falling Star by Meg McKinlay, A Curse so Dark, Brigid Kemmerer, The Secrets of Magnolia Moon by Edwina Wyatt, Firefly July: a year of very short poems selected by Paul B. Janecko, A Jane Austen Devotional compiled and written by Steffany Woolsey, Deed of Murder by Cora Harrison, Girl of the Southern Sea, by Michelle Kadarusman, Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul
How did you come by these titles: personal choice/request, publisher’s review copy, or other? Zoe, Max and the Bicycle Bus by Steven Herrick, I bought a copy as I enjoy Steven’s work and it’s in my genre of writing. Bindi through a friend knowing that I’d love this book- a verse novel. Raven Flight because I’m a great fan of young adult fantasy and read the first book in this series. A Jane Austen Devotional because I love Jane Austen’s work and delving into sections and looking at faith and issues seemed like a winner. Firefly, because I want to read poetry and see what other poets write (a library borrowed title)
For A Curse so Dark and Lonely I read a recommendation on a blog I follow and I’m not disappointed so far. Magnolia Moon, a friend loaned me her copy. Deed of Murder I’ve been hooked on Cora’s 16th century mystery series for a while, I obtained second hand copy as her books are hard to find.
Girl of the Southern Sea was a request from my publisher and because this book has the same release date as my Footprints on the Moon. Writing Picture Books a new edition and a long wait for it to arrive - I passionately want a published picture book!
Do you have a favourite genre? If so, what is it, and why do you prefer it?
Children’s literature - fantasy, verse novel, historical fiction. Sorry not an exclusive favourite genre at all - I read vicariously children’s literature titles but also love a murder mystery - mainly historical - inspirational historical novels, poetry…
Do you read from printed books or some other medium? Please expand a little on the why of your choice.
I mainly read printed books - so convenient and tactile. I borrow e-books or buy them and have a stack lined up on my kindle but prefer tactile books, I suppose It just doesn’t seem the same, to place a bookmark in, to turn a page, to keep them visibly on a bookshelf under subject matter, to stroll through a second-hand book shop or op shop and chance upon an author you’ve been looking for quite a while.
website: https://www.lorrainemarwood.com