day was different. I was dismayed to see rubbish lining the foreshore after a
family event the night before. That’s right … a family event. It wasn’t
malicious littering, it was careless … thoughtless, but it was littering. Resolute
council workers were arriving to clean up the area, no doubt with the same
sense of dismay.
I wondered why? Why would people leave behind such a mess which could ultimately find its way into the ocean? We are all aware of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the dangers of marine pollution. I was so very sad that no matter how much knowledge we have, we can still get it wrong, even unintentionally. That day I wrote the story of I Wonder. I’m thrilled for it to be the second book in Big Sky Publishing’s Caring for Our World series.
I Wonder is the story of a little wooden toy boat that loves days at the beach with its owner. It floats on the shoreline and plays in the rockpools. Until one day it is forgotten and left behind. Days and weeks pass as the boat sits in the sand dunes. Odd things pass it by, tumbling and floating into the ocean. The little wooden boat wonders and worries. Is it a forgotten thing … or could it be like the chip packet, the takeaway cup and the plastic bag? Could it now be waste, or litter, or even rubbish? But one day a child spots the bedraggled boat in the sand dunes and wonders if he might be able to fix the toy. The little wooden boat’s future is now a whole lot brighter, perhaps it has found its forever home.
I Wonder is a gentle story of the dangers of careless littering, marine pollution and the importance of protecting our environment. Enhanced by thought-provoking illustrations the story is a call to action and a tale of hope for our future. Supported by facts about marine pollution, plastics and comprehensive teacher notes, I Wonder is an ideal book for introducing and exploring the curriculum topics of environment, sustainability and conservation. It will encourage readers to think about their own actions, to care for their belongings and open so many opportunities to discuss ways to protect our animals, especially marine life.
It’s the small steps we can all take as individuals that can make a big difference to caring for our world. Collectively, every small step can lead to gigantic change. What a difference we could make if we all try to reflect and commit to daily changes in what we consume, to consider packaging, its pathway to consumption and how it is disposed. Each individual thought and response could result in huge leaps to the protection of the environment … especially our beautiful beaches and the wondrous animals that call the ocean their home!
Allison Marlow Paterson is an Australian Author who writes stories for children and
Allison’s writing reflects her passion for the past. In addition to creating books for adults and picture books about growing up on the farm, she is the author of the ABIA and CBCA notable title Anzac Sons: Five Brothers on the Western Front.
2018 release Australia Remembers: Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and War
Memorials heralded a new non-fiction series, with the next – Customs
and Traditions of the Australian Defence Force – arriving in 2021.
Allison’s first novel for young adults – Follow
After Me – was created while undertaking a May Gibbs Children’s
Literature Trust Fellowship.
I Wonder is
Allison’s latest picture book for children and is inspired by Australia’s
beautiful beaches and her concern for the environment
Sunshine Coast is where Allison enjoys life as a writer, presenter and
publishing consultant.
Visit Allision at her website.