is a complicated feeling that Camila doesn’t know how to control. She wants to
live her own life but how can she escape her father’s control? Camila wants to
embrace Furia and find herself, but that’s not possible without a few hurdles
along the way.
Author Yamile Saied Mendez has written a beautiful novel which made my eyes well up and my heart explode. This book talks about a girl’s journey on figuring out who she wants to be.
Furia explores love and feelings, but also talks about a family with an abusive father and how that needs to change. Furia is a novel which deals with tough subjects but lightens it up with the journey of a rising star.
A powerful novel with a great female protagonist who is empowering. Now
join Camila on her journey through a passionate romance with family, friends,
Title: Furia
Author: Yamile Saied Méndez
Publisher: Algonquin Books of Chapel
Hill, $21.24
Publication Date: September 15, 2020
Format: Hardcover
For ages: 12+
Type: Young Adult Fiction