In Peek and Boo, she teams up with the talented Jess Racklyeft to create a picture book full of emotion; a soothing, tender and loving salute to the family unit.
Peek and Boo are owls. A pair of the chosen ones that mate for life. They share their days, being kind and considerate to one another.
On their branch, through the seasons, they feel comfort and security knowing the other is close by, for their love is a permanent thing.
Slowly Peek and Boo begin to gather the makings of a nest. They sit through cold nights protecting their nesting place and warming each other, till an egg appeared!Sharing the responsibility of keeping the egg warm, the owls take turns to search for food and bring some back to their mate.
While Peek is away and Boo sits warming the egg, the strangest thing happens!
Cracks appear in the shell and Boo doesn’t know what to do. What will Peep say when she gets back?
He tries to stop the cracks from spreading; the egg from splitting. To no avail.
What a surprise when the tiny owlet appears with a Hoo-Hoo!
But Peek knows who it is. It is their baby bird! And Hoo he becomes. The two of them now will teach their new family member all it needs to know, together.
Boo is sure to know what to do the next time.
Vass once more allows language to steer the story. Less is more, and it’s all that’s needed, for Racklyeft’s immersive translation using full-page illustrations in soft watercolour, allows the text to sparkle while it too, bathes in beauty.
Title: Peek and Boo
Author: Coral Vass
Illustrator: Jess Racklyeft
Publisher: Windy Hollow Books, $ 25.99
Publication Date: 2 October 2021
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978122051230
For ages: 4+
Type: Picture Book