
Friday, 17 June 2022

Junior Review: Wings of Fire: The Flames of Hope

The world is changing fast, and not for the better. Luna has always wanted to change the world, to repair it and make it better then it has ever has been - even when the task seemed impossible to do alone.

But now that Luna’s friends, family, and all of Pantala are in danger, she must fly home on a rescue mission with an team of close friends. Luna is sure she can remain calm and useful for her friends’ sakes. 

However, with the prophecy’s instructions sounding easier said than done, Luna is beginning to lose hope. As she, burns, claws and jabs her way toward a future where humans and dragons can all live peacefully with one another, Luna realises she must unite friends, family and enemies and ignite her powers further if she wishes to save the world. If not, she might have to wave goodbye to it forever.

Wings of Fire: The Flames of Hope
, is a great end to the third arc of the Wings of Fire series. Despite me being older than the books’ target demographic now, I still find myself enjoying one of my favourite series. 

Although the protagonist my favourite of the characters, I still enjoyed reading from Luna’s point of view toward the events that unfolded. I highly recommend this series for anyone from 8 - 12 years of age.

Title: Wings of Fire: The Flames of Hope
Author: Tui T Sutherland
Illustrator: Joy Ang
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication date: 2022
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781761203442
For ages: 8 - 12
Type: Middle Grade Fiction