
Tuesday 23 July 2024

Review: Forbidden Journal Of Rufus Rumble #1: Worst Space Crew Ever

This funny, clever and exasperating journal of 11-year old Rufus Rumble’s outer-space travels, will entice both reluctant and voracious readers.

Stamped on the front with shiny gold bits that emphatically state ‘Must Not Be Talked About,’ this book - with its hand-written feel and engaging line drawings - will definitely be talked about.

Rufus Rumble lives more than a hundred years in the future, and this alone is enough to pique reader interest and intrigue.  Also, Rufus has a ticket to SPACE. And if that’s not enough, he’s also on a quest to find his mother who simply vanished one morning, leaving Rufus to live with his grumpy old Grandad.

In short, Rufus is your average 11-year-old with a complicated family and fair share of worries, which include what others might think of him, and what he looks like. The fact that he’s also on a space-ship which is held together with duct tape, and part of the worst space crew of all time, adds an element of danger and urgency to the story.

There’s so much to enjoy about this book. The characters are simultaneously delightful and alarming. The edgy black cover with green, graffiti-style writing and gold splashes, is also slightly mysterious. The clever text is punctuated with hand-written moments and loads of pictures that are funny and sometimes disgusting.

Author Nick Long has worked with some of the biggest names in TV including Netflix, SBS, Discovery Channel and National Geographic… so it’s no surprise that there are a multitude of elements in this very funny book that would readily translate to the screen. Perhaps too, this is the cause of the cliffhanger ending which is SO FRUSTRATING BECAUSE WE ALL WANT ANSWERS RIGHT NOW BUT HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL 2025!

A most entertaining read.


Title: Forbidden Journal Of Rufus Rumble #1: Worst Space Crew Ever
Author: Nick Long
Illustrator: Robin Tatlow-Lord
Publisher: Affirm, $17.99
Publication Date: 25 June 2024
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922863355
For Ages: 6 – 9
Type: Junior Fiction