'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
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Monday 1 July 2024

Review: Ratbags: Dummy Spit

The Ratbags are back in another action-packed, humour-filled adventure created by Tim Harris and Shiloh Gordon

Just like the other four books in the series, it has plenty of clever jokes and illustrations that leap off the page.

In Dummy Spit the Ratbags find themselves landed with an unexpected problem. A very naughty toddler rat.

Jigsaw is the first to encounter Blitz, who literally crashes into his life. He’s a whirlwind of destruction and determination.

Jigsaw first turns to his books for tips on how to keep a toddler rat under control, but has no luck. 

The best thing to do is find Blitz’s parents, but that doesn’t prove to be an easy task. Even with the help of Ripple, Onion, and Fancy Rat. Who does Blitz belong to? 

Blitz seems to be everywhere at once, and where Blitz goes chaos follows. Chewed power lines, making a mess at the hairdresser, being noisy in the library ... he likes breaking rules even more than the Ratbags.

The Ratbags are hard pressed to keep up. That’s until Blitz is caught by Crackers the cat. Crackers doesn’t know what he’s in for. No matter how naughty he is, the Ratbags feel responsible for Blitz and try to rescue him. They devise a cunning plan to enter Crackers’ house and soon discover all is not as it seems.

By the end of Dummy Spit, the Ratbags are surprised to discover where Blitz came from. You might be too. 

Title: Ratbags: Dummy Spit
Author: Tim Harris
Illustrator: Shiloh Gordon
Publisher: Puffin, $ 14.99
Publication Date: July 2024
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781761346088
For ages: 6+
Type: Graphic Novel