The Gamer’s Edition of Guinness World Records 2025, is really a record-breaking video game compendium, full of interesting facts and figures that will enhance your gaming experience and quite possibly leave you in a state of awe.
This colourful, dynamic book is laid out in a magazine style similar to it’s older sibling, The Guinness Book of World Records.
Being a paperback rather than a hardcover, it’s perhaps a little more accessible and definitely easier to hold for long periods! Plus it has popping sub-heads and interesting pictures.
Described as a ‘must have for gaming afficionados’ this book celebrates the greatest achievements in video gaming.
It is bursting at the seams with tidbits such as the highest scores, fastest speedruns, most critically acclaimed games and most successful esports stars.
And if that’s not enough, it also contains things like
the largest LEGO gaming sets, most popular movie soundtracks, the top 25 most
played games – everything a young gamer could ask for and then some!
Importantly, the book also shares secrets for becoming a record-breaker yourself in the gaming world, along with specific gaming challenges for under 16s.
It’s great to know that this compendium caters to us all – including those of us with little to no gaming knowledge. It also caters to the young people who are so clued in, tapped in and turned on that they can speak this Gaming language with their eyes closed.
Title: Guinness World records 2025 Gamer's EditionPublisher: Macmillan, $39.99
Publication Date: 12 Sept 2024
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781913484521
For Ages: 9 +
Type: Junior Non-Fiction